Λογότυπο Βιβλιοπωλείου Gutenberg

The Image of the “Other” / Neighbour in the School Textbooks of the Balkan Countries

17,62 15,86

The Image of the “Other” / Neighbour in the School Textbooks of the Balkan Countries

17,62 15,86

    • Εκδόσεις:
    • ISBN:
    • Έκδοση:
      1η, Μάιος 2001
    • Κωδ. καταλόγου:
    • Γλώσσα Πρωτοτύπου:
    • Εξώφυλλο:
    • Σχήμα:
      17 x 24
    • Σελίδες:

Through the school textbook not only knowledge is transferred but also attitudes are cultivated and values and norms are transmitted to the pupils, which are related to the emotional area of the personality and affect to a great extend the person’s choices and his behaviour. Today more that ever the research on school textbooks acquires particularly timely and maybe determining dimensions as also importance owing to the phenomena of violence, xonophobia, religious fanaticism and nationalism witnessed in many parets of the world and especially in the geographicalk region of the Southeastern Europe.


Introduction to the subject matter of the conference, P.X.
The image of the "other" in the school history textbooks of the Balkan countries, P.X. – A.K. – A.I. – D.L. – K.B. – S.H (Greece)
Antiquity as source of national documentation of Balkan history textbooks, S.V. (Greece)
Explicit and implicit messages is european textbooks of history, J.J. (Slovenia)
The image of the "other". The neighbour in serbian history textbooks, D.S. (Yugoslavia)
The image of the "other" / neighbour in croatian history textbooks for highschools, J.K. (Croatia)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998. The view of the next door neighbour, K.L. (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
The history of the balkan nations presented in the school textbooks of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, D.J. (FYROM)
The balkan neighbours in the school textbooks of history and geography in the albanian secondary schools of general education, A.L. (Albania)
The image in the peoples of South Eastern Europe in the croatian textbooks for the primary school, D.A. (Croatia)
The historical personalities of the neighbours in the elementary and secondary education history textbooks of the Former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia, Y.M. (FYROM)
The Serbs in croatian and the Croats in serbian history textbooks for the 8th grade – comparative analysis, Z.A. (Yugoslavia)
The reflection of intercultural relation and their integration in the contents of the curricula in albanian school system, A.S. – M.G. (Albania)
National history and /or european history, F.P. (Germany)
The external political "other" and the images of Europe, articulated by the post 1917 obligatory textbooks in modern bulgarian history, S.D. (Bulgaria)
Dimensions of european history in romanian history textbooks, L.C. – C.C. (Romania)
Proclaiming Greek national identity through dialectic in school textbooks of the Greek secondary education system from 1950 until the present day, K.A. (Greece)
"Presentations" of political communities in the Turkish school textbooks of the democratic period, M.C. (Turkey)
The image of the "other" in history textbooks: Turkish case, S.O. (Turkey)
The image of the Bulgarians and the Turks in the history textbooks of the primary education between 1950-1990, L.K. (Greece)
Changes in the Greek history schoolbooks: How effective are they in "improving" the image of the national other?, E.K. (Greece)
Literature against nationalism in school textbooks: the image of the Turk in Greek writers, A.I. (Greece)
Speakers presenting papers at the conference
