Λογότυπο Βιβλιοπωλείου Gutenberg

Etudes Helleniques – Hellenic Studies: Greek education in the diaspora

Original price was: €13,15.Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: €8,54.

Etudes Helleniques – Hellenic Studies: Greek education in the diaspora

Original price was: €13,15.Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: €8,54.

    • Εκδόσεις:
    • ISBN:
    • Έκδοση:
      1η, Οκτώβριος 2005
    • Κωδ. καταλόγου:
    • Σχήμα:
      17 x 24
    • Σελίδες:

Editor’s note
Note de la rédaction
The greek education in the diaspora
L’ éducation héllenophone de la diaspora greque
The Metropolitan Centre, the diaspora and education
A presentation of the paideia omogenon program
Greek education in the United States
L’ éducation héllenophone au Canada
Greek education in Australia
Greek education in Great Britain
Greek education in the Republic of South Africa
Greek education in Germany
Greek education in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union
Chronologie – Chypre
Chronologie – Grèce
Recensions – Books reviews
