Etudes Helleniques – Hellenic Studies: Crise Greque et Unification Européenne / The Greek crisis and the European Unification
€13,94 €12,55
Etudes Helleniques – Hellenic Studies: Crise Greque et Unification Européenne / The Greek crisis and the European Unification
€13,94 €12,55
L’ unification européenne et la crise grecque
European unification and the Greek crisis
The Greek crisis in perspective: origins, effects and ways-out
The apartment building and the index of despair
Inequality, poverty and social welfare in Greece: distributional effects of austerity
La Grèce à l’ épreuve de la crise
EU asylum policies & the Greek presidency: an EU opportunity
Theoretical problems in the study of Cypriot literature
The achieved body (An outlook on the poetry of Vassilis Michaelides)
Theatre in Cyprus (19th century – 1959)
Cypriot writers of the Diaspora
Poètes Cypriotes / Cypriot poets