Etudes Helleniques – Hellenic Studies: A tribute to Cypriot literature
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Hommage à la littérature chypriote
A tribute to Cypriot literature
Viewpoints on Cypriot Literature
Theoretical problems in the study of the Cypriot literature
About the term "Cypriot Literature"
Prolegomena for a comparative approach to Cypriot literatures
Four levitations over four notes on Cypriot literature
The fate of Cypriot literature
A critical reading of the Cypriot Renaissance Canzionere of the Venice Marcian Library (Marc. Gr, IX 32). Could this be the oldest neo-hellenic anthology known?
Ioakeim Kyprios’ struggle and the story of the Maltese Sultana: A literary account of historical events?
Cypriot literatures as part of the eastern Mediterranean contact area (1850-1960)
Le visage francophone de Chypre
The achieved body (An outlook at the poetry of Vassilis Michaelides)
Implicit stage directions in the "9th July 1821 in Nicosia", by Vassilis Michaelides
Poetry in the Cypriot dialect and Pavlos Liasides
Cypriot litterateurs in Egypt
From the island of Aphrodite to Terra Australis: Greek-Cypriot literary writing in Australia
Cypriot writers of the diaspora
Theatre in Cyprus (19th century – 1959)
Post – independence Cypriot dramaturgy (1960 onwards)
The short story in Cyprus from the end of the 19th century until 1920
Loukis Akritas’ Kampos and ethnographic narrative realism
Costas Montis’ Afentis Battistas etc: Narrative as a defeat
Strangers at home: Images of Turkish-Cypriot "others" in contemporary Greek-Cypriot fiction
The Cypriot generation of the poets of the invasion
Despite praise: Techniques of Para doxology and paradoxography in the work of Kyriakos Charalambides
The responsibility of testimony. Literature and history in contemporary Cypriot literature
The image of Nicos Nicolaides in the correspondence of Thodosis Pierides to Stratis Tsirkas
Six letters on Andreas Kalvos from Mario Vitti to Antonis Indianos
An introduction to the Cypriot literature for children, with an emphasis on poetry for children
Literary magazines in Cyprus during 2007
Cypriot writers touch on their poetics
Cypriot literature – Littérature chypriote
Recentions – Book reviews
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