Λογότυπο Βιβλιοπωλείου Gutenberg

Peter Drucker

Βιβλία του Peter F. Drucker: Μάνατζμεντ: Managing for the Future, Managing the Non-Profit Organization, The Frontiers of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The Changing World of the Executive, Managing in Turbulent Times, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, Technology, Management and Society, The Effective Executive, Managing for Results, The Practice of Management, Concept of the Corporation. Οικονομία, Πολιτική, Κοινωνία: Post-Capitalist Society, The Ecological Vision, The New Realities, Toward the Next Economics, The Unseen Revolution, Men, Ideas and Politics, The Age of Discontinuity, Landmarks of Tomorrow, America’s Next Twenty Years, The New Society, The Future of Industrial Man, The End of Economic Man. Μυθιστορήματα: The Temptation to Do Good, The Last of All Possible Worlds. Αυτοβιογραφία: Adventures of a Bystander

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